Loving. Equipping. Mobilizing.

Hamilton Christian Fellowship

Join us Sunday mornings at 10AM in person and online.

Joshua Aaron Worship

Join us for an evening of worship with Joshua Aaron, an award-winning American-Israeli independent singer and songwriter. Registration link below.

Men’s HUB

The Men's HUB meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 8:30AM in the Leader's Lounge. Email Robert Di Francesco for more information. See you there, men!

Ladies HUB

The Ladies' HUB meets Monday mornings from 10AM - noon. Join us in the Fellowship Room! Contact Lisa Cowling for more information.

NEW Wednesday Bible Study

Join us Wednesday mornings at 10AM for a brand new Bible Study starting in February. Contact Kevin Taylor for further details.

Destiny Finder

A new session of the Destiny Finder program kicks off in March! Come and discover who you are and how God put you together to fulfill His own great purpose in the earth!

New Next Step Classes!

Check out our upcoming semester of study options as we step into a new round of Next Step Classes.

A Message from senior leaders, Bob and Lisa Cowling

Welcome to Hamilton Christian Fellowship! Our family of faith is a great place to belong, grow, share, be encouraged and launched into your God-given destiny. Our Sunday expression has a structure that is meant to help you to connect with people, learn and encourage others and to be equipped into all God has ordained for you. Check out more info about our Next Step Initiative.

Bob & Lisa Cowling, Senior Leaders at HCF, standing in the front doorway of the church.

At Our Next Gathering

Coming Up

The Lord Builds The House

New Series!

With being ‘building-minded’ in this season as we continue to follow the Lord’s leading with the Restoration Project, we felt that He was pointing us to focus on the Scriptural building theme in the coming months. He is speaking to us through the clean up and preparation as we ready our buildings for moving forward with His plans. It is HIS project and we refuse to put our sweat on it all. He is building us as a people for His end time purposes as His Ecclesia, His Church.

Hamilton Christian Fellowship Online!

Our services are livestreamed to our Facebook page. If you can't make it in person, we'd love for you to join us there! Click the link below...

God has made us a generous people!

We're joyful givers because we know that God is faithful to provide for all we need, and to enable us to share with others. Partner with us in the great Kingdom work that God is doing through Hamilton Christian Fellowship!

You can explore the various projects and opportunities to support us by clicking here:

Giving Opportunities

Cash & Cheque

Cash or cheques can be placed in the basket on Sunday, or dropped off at the church office.


For convenience, a POS machine is available on-site, allowing you to give directly by debit or credit.

Online Giving

Partner with us by using our secure  online donation form, making it simple to support the church anytime.

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