Our Core Values

“A Community of Faith, built on love, equipping and mobilizing each generation into their destiny”

In our spiritual journey of Believing, Belonging, Becoming and Building, we look to establish everything with a biblical foundation while passionately trusting in the supernatural power of God to accomplish his purposes in and through us. There’s room for everyone as we all realize our part in God’s Royal Priesthood. 
1. We Minister to God
- Worship & Prayer
- Lifestyle of thankfulness, gratitude.
- Hosting God’s presence in our lives.
2. We stay healthy and whole
- We’re responsible for our own spiritual journey towards freedom.
- Pursuit of healing and restoration a positive environment.
- Unity in Community. We value each other and thrive on our healing journey with
- Hosting God’s presence in our lives.
3. We impact the world
- Hearing God’s thoughts
- Prayer (intercession, etc.)
- Evangelism: The Great commission
- Outreach (including disaster relief)
- Equipping and Discipling
- Ruling our kingdom well
- Restoration of Israel

Our Beliefs

We believe in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who together have showered love on humankind since the world was created. 

We believe the Bible is God’s letter to us telling the cosmic love story of how God reaches out to us to bring us into his home. 

We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. The historical records of his life in the Bible are a reliable witness to the truth of his death and resurrection.

We believe God speaks to you. We are not after mere facts or ideas, we are here for relationship with the Creator of heaven and earth.
We believe whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, wherever you’re from, if you let God lead you He will heal you and make the world a much better place through you. We want to help that happen.