Destiny Finder
The two biggest questions in life are ‘Who am I?’ and “Why am I here?’. The goal of the 8 week Destiny Finder course is to help us to narrow down our focus, determining what it is that God purposed for us to do for Him. It can be summed up with this line “What on earth are you doing for Heaven’s sake?”
All of our leaders have completed this course and about 65 of us in total. We like it because it gives us a common language as we seek to encourage each other into the plans and purposes of God for our lives and for the coming harvest.
The next course begins Thursday March 6th in the fellowship room!
Cost: $40 per person (If there is a need, please talk to us about ‘pay what you can’ as we desire to help everyone to go through this course).
Check out the promo video. Register by emailing Lisa Cowling.