Designate Your Donations
There are several options to choose from when directing your donation. Every contribution is helpful to sustaining the ongoing Kingdom work HCF is doing in Hamilton and beyond, and we are thankful for your faithful support!
*Please note your designation in the memo section Paypal
General Tithe & Offering
We value your contribution to the ongoing ministry of HCF.
Thank you for helping to move a historical legacy forward to continue developing a missional center for the city of Hamilton. For more information, contact Bob Cowling.
Missions and Outreach
Thank you for contributing to our food care ministry and outreach programs within Hamilton and beyond through crisis response missions.
Pay It Forward
This designation makes funds available for those who are seeking inner healing ministry.
God has made us a generous people!
We're joyful givers because we know that God is faithful to provide for all we need, and to enable us to share with others. Partner with us in the great Kingdom work that God is doing through Hamilton Christian Fellowship!
Cash & Cheque
Cash or cheques can be placed in the basket on Sunday, or dropped off at the church office.

For convenience, a POS machine is available on-site, allowing you to give directly by debit.

Online Giving
Partner with us by using our secure online donation form, making it simple to support the church anytime.