Hamilton Christian FELLOWSHIP

Is A Catch The Fire Church.

We hold to the values of being a people of His Presence and encounter, established in God’s Word unto transformation for us and for the hurting world around us.

Meet Our Team

Our Core Values

What Moves Us

“A Community of Faith, built on love, equipping and mobilizing each generation into their destiny”

HCF is so much more than a local church. A mission minded community, HCF is already serving the city extensively through Food Care, supporting our local neighborhood as well as other ministries in the city.
We believe strongly in partnering with Jesus to build His Kingdom in our region and outwork this by supporting our HCF family as well as local ministries with our resources as a regional missions hub.

Our Beliefs

We believe in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who together have showered love on humankind since the world was created. 

We believe the Bible is God-breathed and is our absolute standard of truth and guidance as well as the mirror from which we see our identity. 

We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, crucified and rose from the dead; alive today in living relationship with believers through His indwelling Holy Spirit.

We believe Holy Spirit leads us to recognize the sin in our lives and that through repentance and faith in Jesus we are cleansed and made whole.  

We believe in baptism of choice, symbolic of becoming dead to sin and our old ways and coming up into the new life promised us in Christ Jesus.

We believe God desires communion with us and we always seek to be with Jesus where He is, not going our own direction and asking God to bless it. 
We believe whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, wherever you’re from, if you let God lead you He will heal you and make the world a much better place through you.  We are honored to serve His purposes in you.

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