Hamilton Christian FELLOWSHIP
Is A Catch The Fire Church.
We hold to the values of being a people of His Presence and encounter, established in God’s Word unto transformation for us and for the hurting world around us.
Meet Our Team
Bob & Lisa Cowling
Senior Leaders & Elders
Kevin Taylor
Pastoral Staff
Keith Tuplin
Robert Di Francesco
Aurelie Dimandja
Bob Beal
Johanne Norris
Monica Di Francesco
Next Step Leader
Mark Orr
Next Step Leader
Jacqui Barnes
Next Step Leader
Donna Sexton
Next Step Leader
Denni Roy
Next Step Leader
Bob Connolly
Next Step Leader
Dan & Kat Giles
Worship Leaders
Marty Umantez
Worship Leader
Eric Eveleigh
Sound Crew
Dan Perl
Sound Crew
Gary Moniz
Sound Crew
Lynn Dunbar Landry
Karen Roberts
Judi Moffat
Harry Venn
Antonina Severn
Mary Ann Blair
Custodial Care
Tiera Cowling
Children's Ministry
Daniel Karatu
Our Core Values
What Moves Us
“A Community of Faith, built on love, equipping and mobilizing each generation into their destiny”
Jesus modeled serving when He lowered Himself to come to earth as man and then, as a man, took up the towel and washed His disciples’ feet. We encourage a culture of preferring one another above ourselves, putting others first and humbly serving one another to lift each other up. Servanthood might look like hospitality locally or crisis response mission to help others in need. It may look like setting up tables, cooking a meal, opening our homes or traveling overseas to build a school or church building in a village.
Philippians 2:5-8; John 13:1-17
Church is not the walls of our buildings but the work of Christ in and through us to a hurting world. When followers of Jesus gather to pray, worship, encourage one another and share the truth of the Gospel and the message of God’s Word, we believe this qualifies as ‘church’ of whom Jesus is the Head. Where relationships are built, accountability endorsed, discipleship and responsibility taken up for Christ’s sake, we believe this is God’s intended ecclesia, His church on earth.
Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 1:22,23
The Greater Family of God
We believe that we carry an important piece in the body of Christ as do others. We seek to receive in our weaknesses and impart from our strengths so that the greater family of God can be strengthened and built up in His image to love a hurting world.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27; 1 Peter 2:4,5
God’s Heart for Israel
We read in God’s Word that there is a vital end time purpose for Israel as God’s chosen people. His heart towards them continues to draw them to Himself to form ‘one new man’ along with the Gentile church. The church plays a role in serving Israel to return to the homeland (Aliyah) before Christ’s return.
Ephesians 2:15; Isaiah 49:22; Genesis 12:1-3
We greatly esteem the inner journey of healing the heart of wounds and negative cycles unto wholeness, breaking generational patterns and curses through prayer and deliverance. We believe God desires full freedom for us and we have a responsibility to pursue that wholeness for His glory.
Psalm 86:11-17; Psalm 51:10-12; Psalm 147:3
The Poor
We are called to come alongside Jesus in His heart for the broken and poor of our city. He declares that He is close to the broken hearted and is a defender of widows and orphans. People can find themselves in poverty of resources, spiritual poverty, relational poverty and emotional needs. It is an honour to serve those who seem they cannot give back while making space for them to contribute to the community in ways that they can.
Isaiah 58:6-9; Psalm 34:18; James 1:27
We know that people can have strong opinions about various things, be it theology, politics or justice issues. As a community we want to value each person and celebrate them as a gift to our faith family and cultivate a culture of honour in our midst, even when we may not agree with each other. Jesus valued each person enough to die for them and our default will always be one of loving people well as our Heavenly Father teaches us to do that.
Romans 12:10; 1 Corinthians 12:24
Destiny and Empowerment
Jesus is building His church and we are called to partner alongside Him. Each person has a unique role and purpose in God and we believe there is room on the altar for every gift. We believe that the outworking of leadership is to equip the saints, each person living a life for Christ for the work of ministry to which God has called us. We believe in the priesthood of all believers and that each person who has given their life to Jesus has a voice, can learn to hear His voice and should be empowered and supported by the body of Christ to walk in and fulfill their calling.
Ephesians 4:11-13; John 10:27-28; Hebrews 12:1
The Great Commission
All of us are called to ‘go into all the world’ and bring the good news of the salvation of Jesus to a hurting world. We believe that each person has a call to prayer and to a sphere of authority to which God has called them, be it family, workplace, school, groups or places we frequent.
Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Matthew 9:37-38
Personal Communion with Jesus
Each follower of Jesus has a responsibility to nurture and maintain their own relationship with God the Father through Jesus His Son. This happens by communion with His indwelling Holy Spirit. This happens through prioritizing God’s Word, prayer, worship, thanksgiving and being increasingly aware of God’s Presence with us always. Our leadership team is here to help support that journey.
Psalm 16:11; John 14:16; Revelation 3:20; John 15:15
God’s Presence
We believe that there is nothing more important in our walks with God than to spend time in His Presence, learn to know His voice and to go forth into our ‘doing’ from there out of love, where we receive His direction. We do not want to be a people who make our plans and then afterwards ask God to bless it. He, by His Holy Spirit is our Teacher, our Guide and our Friend Who leads us everyday into His will and His truth. We believe when we engage in times of worship and prayer, the arts and joyful giving and gratitude, this honours Him with our adoration first and then He leads us from there.
Hebrews 10:19-22; Psalm 35:10; Psalm 46:10
The Word of God
God’s Word, the Bible, is His love letter to us, His children; it’s His instruction manual for life and the basis of all we do as we live out life in Christ, desiring for our lives to look more like Jesus each day. As we venture out into the ‘unknown’ things of God, discovering more of Who He is, the Bible is our anchor that keeps us tethered to the truth of HIs ways.
2 Timothy 3:16,17; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:105; Matthew 4:4; John 1:1
Our Beliefs
We believe in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who together have showered love on humankind since the world was created.
We believe the Bible is God-breathed and is our absolute standard of truth and guidance as well as the mirror from which we see our identity.
We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, crucified and rose from the dead; alive today in living relationship with believers through His indwelling Holy Spirit.
We believe Holy Spirit leads us to recognize the sin in our lives and that through repentance and faith in Jesus we are cleansed and made whole.
We believe in baptism of choice, symbolic of becoming dead to sin and our old ways and coming up into the new life promised us in Christ Jesus.
We believe God desires communion with us and we always seek to be with Jesus where He is, not going our own direction and asking God to bless it.
We believe whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, wherever you’re from, if you let God lead you He will heal you and make the world a much better place through you. We are honored to serve His purposes in you.
Our Partners
Connect with people we know and love who are bringing the Kingdom to the world...
Explore Our Rich History
The Anglican Diocese laid the cornerstone for a Chapel of Ease called St. George’s on land dedicated to God for a holy purpose at the corner of Strathcona Ave & Tom Street in Hamilton.
The work prospered and the Chapel was expanded in 1902 into a larger church and again in 1911 when a separate Sunday School building was built for the youth, including a gym in the basement. Finally both buildings were joined together in 1914 by an underground tunnel. Recently we read an article that the two ‘wells’ that St. George’s established on site were Christian education (equipping) and missions (mobilizing).
Pastor Dennis Wiedrick, came to the Hamilton “Mountain” to establish a 5-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:12) called “Family of God.” The vision for this ministry focused on ‘the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry’.
Pastor Bruce Woods, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and former Pastor of Stanley Avenue Baptist Church, founded Hamilton Christian Fellowship. It focused on life in the Spirit and the Word, meeting at the former Football Hall of Fame, next to City Hall.
The Family of God joined Hamilton Christian Fellowship where Bruce Woods and Dennis Wiedrick became co-pastors, first meeting at Columbia College on Main St. W., and then in the St. George’s building.
When the St. George’s congregation was amalgamated by the Diocese with St. John the Evangelist Anglican church in 1996, the buildings at the corner of Tom & Strathcona were put on the market for sale. Offers were received from developers but the diocese was firm that the land and buildings were dedicated to God and they trusted Him to bring another Christian ministry along to fulfill their commitment to the Lord.
Hamilton Christian Fellowship (HCF) purchased the land with the help of the Anglican Diocese who held the first mortgage. Over the next 25 years HCF renovated 135 Strathcona and in 2021 paid off the property mortgage and began a $2M restoration of 10 Tom Street. Since then we have been able to make our facilities available to serve many other Kingdom initiatives beyond HCF’s oversight.
We are blessed that during covid we celebrated paying off our property mortgage and since then have been able to make our facilities available to serve many other Kingdom initiatives beyond HCF’s oversight.